zaozao wang
A Professional Approach
毕业于哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University),获得双语/双文化研究硕士学位,2018《哈佛中国教育论坛》发言嘉宾,2018 East Coast USA Pageant “东岸精神小姐“(National Miss Spirit) 和 “美国东岸小姐选美 纽约州最上镜总冠军”(Overall Photogenic New York Supreme Queen),精品时装周(Small Boutique Fashion Week)和梅西女性影响力时装秀(Macy’s Women Empowerment Fashion Show)走秀模特。现为纽约中国和平统一促进会顾问,《福建日报》东南网海外站特邀记者。前上海新东方口译口语明星教师,获得《高级口译资格证书》和中国教育部颁发的教师资格证。在中国和美国各类学校和培训机构,有累计超过8年的实习和教学经验。曾应中华人民共和国驻纽约总领馆邀请,教授其工作人员成人英文课程。
同时,凭借着不凡的语言功力和敏捷的反应成为了纽约主持界的当家花旦。曾多次为大型文化活动担任主持,并和众多知名国内外企业 (梅西、GNC、美赞臣、厦门航空、海南航空、天猫、茅台、同仁堂等)有合作。为安徽、福建、湖南、广西、云南等省,主持了多场双语旅游推介会,将中国旅游文化名片,推至全世界观众眼前。现与《华+》频道,有多档合作节目《华加在现场》、《学姐早知道》、《华加涨姿势》等,在微信、微博、优酷、腾讯等频道均有播放。
主持过的重量级节目有:联合国环境署“飒飒奖”颁奖典礼; CCTV 青春中国走进联合国;联合国“热爱和平”音乐会--人类和平周系列活动;美国亚洲影视节金橡树颁奖盛典;“责任与未来”常青藤学生领袖联合国总部峰会;2018纽约时装周”腾讯 国际甄尚奖”颁奖典礼;2016美国国会山庄亚太春节音乐会;2015 NYFW 纽约时装周“时尚深圳”系列活动;麦当劳教育博览会;Mass Mutual 财富管理博览会;Chinese Dollars For Scholars基金会晚宴;塞浦路斯总领馆和亚文中心联办“中国-塞浦路斯文化节”;纽约布莱恩特公园亚文交响乐团夏季音乐会;Asian American Congress晚宴;美国“华裔小姐”选美系列活动;“模星秀”全球少儿模特美育盛典全球总决赛;周华健2016 世界巡回演唱会纽约林肯中心新闻发布会等。
About Zaozao Wang
Born and raised in China, Zaozao was a straight-A students with strong interests in performing arts. She was a teacher specialized in Chinese-English interpretation for three years. And that was when she realized that criticism and teacher-oriented system was neither sufficient nor efficient. Therefore she traveled to the United States to further her education in Columbia University Teachers College in 2013.
After her graduation, she started Zao Learning Center and dedicated herself to the training of children models/actors with bilingual language skills. And she gradually developed her “Art it up -- Integrate art into language education” approach, which made her a guest speaker at the 2018 Harvard China Education Forum. Also, at the invitation of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York, she used to be the English teacher for staff at the Consulate.
At the same time, with extraordinary language skills and agile response, she has worked as a bilingual emcee/TV host for about a decade. She has served as an emcee for large-scale cultural events and has cooperated with many famous domestic and foreign companies (Macy’s, GNC, Mead Johnson, Xiamen Airlines, Hainan Airlines, T-mall, Mao Tai, etc.) at prestigious venues like United Nations headquarters, Times Square, Lincoln Center and Bryant Park. And now with the Asian Culture Center's "HUA PLUS" channel, Zaozao was featured in several programs " HUA PLUS at the Scene", "Learn with Zaozao", etc., which are popular on multiple online platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, Youku and Tencent.
She was also crowned as the 2018 East Coast USA pageant Overall Photogenic New York Supreme Queen and East Coast USA Miss Spirit. And she is also a runway model on the New York Fashion Week and Macy’s Empowered Woman’s Fashion Show.