2019 Small Boutique Fashion Week(les tout petits show)
紐約精品時裝周les tout petits童裝品牌走秀
Zao Learning Center 10 Kids Model students
Designer Lois can count on A-list moms such as Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, and numerous other film, fashion, music, and sports stars, and their stylists, amongst her devoted clientele. Les Tout Petits was the natural choice for First Lady Michelle Obama when it came to dressing Sasha for her first Inaugural Ball.
品牌设计师Lois的作品深受明星和名流的喜爱。美国前总统奥巴马的女儿在其就职典礼上,就穿着Les Tout Petits的裙子。而好莱坞著名影后安吉丽娜朱莉的女儿,也在多个场合穿着该品牌服饰参与颁奖盛典。