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  • Writer's pictureZaozao Wang

各族裔参与· "美国东岸之星"团队模特比赛 East Coast Starz Team Modeling Competition

Take a look at a behind the scenes of our last event Take 16! There is no event like East Coast Starz on the planet that brings together kids with similar interests to take the STARZ CHALLENGE and compete for over $30,000 in PRIZES! They create lifelong friendships, open themselves up to amazing modeling/acting industry opportunites, attend our EPIC PARTY, take home lot's of fantastic gifts and clothes from our sponors, get new head shots and most importantly HAVE FUN! FACT: THE RUNWAY BUILDS CONFIDENCE. Sign them up for TAKE 17 TODAY starting at 10:00 am November 23rd for our "PINK FRIDAY" Promotion and score them an East Coast Starz bag stuffed with awesome new pajamas that they will get at check in! Take 17! MAY 17-19, 2019 Hilton in Parsippany, NJ. Open to Boys 4-12 yrs. and Girls 3-17 yrs.

 【侨报记者崔国萁5月24日纽约报道】“美国东岸之星”儿童团队模特大赛(East Coast Starz Team Modeling Competition)近日在新泽西举行,在参赛的268人中华裔孩子表现惊艳,共有35名来自纽约的华裔男孩和女孩获奖,其中年仅6岁的华童刘薇拉(Vera Liu,音译,下同)得分位列前五名,成为“美国东岸之星团队模特比赛”形象代言人的候选人。

  至今已有10年历史的“美国东岸之星” 儿童团队模特大赛于上周末在新州帕西波尼市(Parsippany)举行,来自全美各地不同族裔的数百名孩子们被混合编为10人一组,在平面和T台走秀上展开比赛。纽约地区有86名华裔少年儿童报名参赛,他们分别来自早知道学习中心、Bella Premier Dance Art、精灵舞蹈学校、莉成艺术学校和星光舞蹈学校等学校。


  另外,本次比赛主办方还邀请多家儿童模特经纪公司和多位服装设计师到场为孩子们面试,30名华童被选中进行二次面试。其中年仅4岁的华裔女童周蕾娜(Rayna Zhou)被儿童服装设计师Ynairaly Simo选中,作为T台模特于现场时装走秀。而年仅6岁的刘薇拉在参赛的268个孩子中得分位列前五名,成为“美国东岸之星团队模特比赛”形象代言人的候选人。

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